Golden Rules Of Success

what is success?

Success has different meanings for different people! Why?
Because It is much related to dreams, goals, passion also failure.

Whatever the level of the success was, eventually it is a success, and it is a small however  there are a deep meanings and efforts hidden behind it. 

Success and failure

As George S. Patton said
" Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom. "

And that is absolutely true, when you keep going from bad time to another and finally you end up with your goal, you will realize that success and failure could come together sometimes.

Is success related to money?

OK honestly I cannot say yes as a static answer neither saying no, but before saying anything regarding this question we have to define happiness first.

Happiness is to be characterized by mental feelings such as positive emotions, enjoyment and satisfaction.

From the above definition we notice that happiness is not build on physical substance, it is much more related to your mentality.So definitely success is not related to money.

"Money can not buy happiness." Actually money can buy happiness but not always, it is depend on your definition of happiness, because money is essential to our lives, money is a good thing to have but it is not the ultimate provider of your demands in life.

Golden rules of success

  • Setting Goals

You're going to end up somewhere else if you didn't determine your destiny. For anyone seeks success, setting goals should be the first thing to do.
You need to find the purpose, or the why! so this thing will keep motivating you.

  • Take Responsibility For your actions

Do not blame others for your failure, and do not even blame yourself, you just should realize the failure and to learn from it.

It is your job to control the outcomes, never doubt yourself, you started it then you take the responsibility.

  • Self Discipline

Discipline is a powerful feature of all successful individuals, and with consistent use it can be created, it is a fundamental for any person who want to reach the world class.

If you want to keep the discipline mode in your life, you should focus on your end goal nothing else.

  • Self Development

You have to be satisfied with the result, but in the same time you definitely should keep looking for more, and this is development.

  • Read, learn, accept advice.

These three things are a relevant past of many people with great success.These activities are beneficial for your mind, and your future.

  • Time management

It is essential as we all know, it is related to your plan more than any thing else.
You should plan in advance, days, weeks, months ahead, knowing clearly what needs to be done to complete your jobs and reach your safe side.

  • Courage

You will have to take risks from while to while, you will hesitate to do so, but when you see the whole picture after a while you will defiantly realize that you need to take a serious step.

  •  Don't give up. "Never"

You have to keep going even when you face failure and walls, as we mentioned before success comes with failure most of the time.
Nothing can hold you back from what you are designed for.

  • Do what you love

Sooner or later you will reach this point, think about all the things you enjoy in life then work on transforming those passions into business, that way you will do what you love every day. It will worth it even if you're taking a humble profit.


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